Ecolibrium’s Sustainable Travel Guide for Artists and the Music Industry
Recently, ecolibrium has launched their latest resource: the Sustainable Travel Guide for Artists and the Music Industry. The guide provides up-to-date information, best practice tips and inspiration to empower the live music industry to understand and take action on its greatest carbon impact: travel.
A short side-note as to how large carbon emissions can get in the industry: using data pooled from Resident Advisor’s now-archived list of its top 1000 DJs, a 2019 report calculated that, in 2019, these DJs took 51,000 flights, flew 117,000,000 KM, burned 3,200,000 litres of fuel and emitted 35,000,000 Kg of CO2 into the air. That’s equivalent to the electricity used by 20,000 households in one year. You can read the report on the CleanScene website.
Ecolibrium’s guide entails advice for specific roles of a tour’s team: from agents to travel bookers, and merchandisers to set designers, it’s a resource for everyone who works in music, but especially artists, who have a platform from which to share their voice and to share the urgent message to act on the climate crisis with their networks.

Co-authored by Vision: 2025 members, the guide builds on information from previous publications by both Vision: 2025 as well as Julie’s Bicycle. It includes input from the team at Music Declares Emergency – a group of artists, music industry professionals and organisations that stand together to declare a climate and ecological emergency and call for an immediate governmental response to protect all life on Earth.
You can request the full guide here.