Know your way around this year’s ADE Green program
This Friday, ADE Green returns: the conference on sustainability, social change, and innovation. Whether you seek inspiration, actionable insights, effective communication strategies, or transformative leadership practices – ADE Green has got you covered. In this article, we guide you through this year’s program, offering direction amidst its diverse array of 19 programs in a single day.
Every year, the ADE Green program team strives for a balance between sustainable and social themes that are current and relevant to the electronic music industry. This year’s program has been carefully compiled with four pillars in mind that could be considered essential for making an impact: Inspirational Thinking, Practical Knowledge, Effective Communication, and Transformational Leadership. Whether you arrive with a defined purpose or embrace the general vibe, this program guide is your essential tool to navigate and maximize your ADE Green journey. We encourage you to attend at least one session from each category to gain a well-rounded understanding and create a foundation for impactful action.
Inspirational Thinking
By now, most people are aware that broader societal challenges like the climate crisis or diversity and inclusion need to be addressed – also from within the music industry. But the information overload on what to do (and why, and how) can be daunting to a paralysing degree. The ADE Green programs listed below are carefully curated to activate you, with fresh insights from either an intellectual or a spiritual point of view. These programs will inspire you into “wanting to” rather than “having to” act and improving the world around you. Say goodbye to cynicism and hello to a new, positive way of thinking.
Practical Knowledge
Moving on: from conversation to action – time to shift our focus from “what needs to be done” to “how to do it”. After all, time is of the essence in the world of events, and society at large. The ADE Green sessions in this category provide either concrete tools, or a concrete understanding of developments that will undoubtedly affect the industry in the years to come. They’re particularly useful for event managers and industry professionals who prefer to roll up their sleeves today, rather than tomorrow.
- Workshop: Green Deal Circular Festivals
- Creating Safer Spaces in Clubs & Festivals
- Carbon Offsetting: How and When to do it
- Bamboo is Booming: Building Climate-Positive Events
- European Green Festival Roadmap 2030
- Fossil Free Festivals of the Future – presented by Greener Power Solutions
- Innovation Showcase: Innofest’s Impact Start-Ups of 2023
Effective Communication
True impact cannot be achieved in isolation. We need colleagues, suppliers, authorities, and audiences to get on board towards positive change. While most of us know how to communicate about the things that are going great, openly sharing what can be improved is just as important, yet more difficult and vulnerable. Hence, this category emphasises the importance of collaboration and shared experiences. Here, you’ll learn how to communicate effectively about successes and challenges, fostering a sense of community and shared learning.
Transformational Leadership
Real and long-lasting change can seem inconvenient. It takes courage to lead yourself and others towards transformations. What can you do, in your current situation, to step up your game towards a better future? The first step: learn from those who have been leading change for years, and perhaps discover something new about yourself. These ADE Green programs will inspire you to become the change-maker you can be.
Get with the program!
There is plenty to choose from at ADE Green: for event organizers and producers with practical information needs, but also for artists, labels, creatives and music organizations that are looking for ways to make an impact and involve their audiences. Beyond a typical conference day, ADE Green unites passionate individuals, committed to catalyzing positive transformation through music. So join ADE Green 2023 to get inspired, connect with inspiring industry professionals, and contribute to positive change in the world. Don’t miss your chance to be part of this transformative experience: the last ADE Green tickets are now available.
The conference takes place at Felix Meritis on Friday 20 October and is accessible with the ADE Pro Pass, or with the single-day ADE Green Pass. Since its first edition in 2012, ADE Green tends to sell out – so be sure to get your hands on a ticket before it’s too late!