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Government & NGO

Since 2014, Green Events has been supporting organizers on the path to future-proof events on behalf of the national government, municipalities, provinces, foundations, and associations that support the network of organizers. We create tailor-made programs for our clients and bring industry players together in Impact Programs.

2.1 Guidance Program for Government & NGOs

In a guidance program, the focus is on concrete and impactful results. As a tool, we use the Sustainability Ladder for Events, an integrated growth model for events covering 13 ESG themes. The program can be carried out in different ways: we can lead and document the project, or you take the lead while we support you with our team of experts. Together, we create a customized project plan and timeline in which we can advise and support your organization on the following aspects:

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2.2 Measuring & Reporting

Does your organization fall under the European CSRD, or do you want to map your impact to take effective measures? We support organizations in creating impact reports aligned with CSRD, GRI, SDG, CSR, or ESG guidelines. Our Measuring & Reporting trajectory focuses on accurate data collection, calculations, and clear, engaging reports.

This process can be executed in different ways: we lead and document the project, or you take the lead while we coach and support you. Together, we develop a customized project plan and timeline to advise and assist your organization in the following areas:

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2.3 Sustainabilityladder Events

The Sustainability Ladder for Events (DLE) is a motivating, integrated growth model that addresses the national need for harmonizing sustainability criteria for events—benefiting organizers, municipalities, and suppliers alike. We are currently working on concrete next steps, including an annual content update, expanding national reach, and developing practical tools & templates to support organizers, suppliers, and governments.

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2.4 Impactprogram

Do you want to establish a long-term collaboration with industry players, government bodies, and/or knowledge institutions to collectively address an ecological or social challenge? Green Events has over 10 years of experience in facilitating ‘communities of practice.’ These communities consist of professionals from various organizations working together to find and implement solutions. Best practices are shared across the industry through knowledge articles, industry sessions, and conferences. Each participant contributes their expertise and experience, learning together and from each other. This learning method is based on trust and equality. Participants collaborate, share information, and invite each other for site visits to strengthen knowledge and networks.

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