Online event: How circular festivals contribute to climate goals
Participating festivals and experts, thinkers and doers from outside the sector will discuss climate neutrality in relation to circularity and how to set acceptable subgoals towards zero emission.
How circular festivals contribute to climate goals
The ‘Green Deal Circular Festivals’ started in October 2019. This growing community of over 20 international festivals, strives for a future-proof and circular festival industry, and to inspire visitors and set an example for other festivals, events and even cities. The collaboration is admirable, not only because of its international nature, but also because the festival sector has been hit hard by the corona measures. Despite these measures, the participating festivals continue to innovate. They work together, share knowledge and develop circular and climate neutral solutions that combat waste and pollution, stimulate the reuse of products and materials and regenerate natural systems.
Defining circularity and setting goals towards zero emissions
Together, the participating Green Deal festivals are shaping a model for a circular and climate neutral festival. The themes the festivals are working on include travel and transport, energy, water, food, plastics and resource efficiency. Defining circularity and setting goals to become climate neutral are part of their journey. During this meeting representatives from the participating festivals will discuss climate neutrality in relation to circularity, how to set acceptable goals and determine the steps and solutions which will bring zero emission in reach. We would like to invite experts, thinkers and doers from outside the festival sector to think with us. If you like to join this conversation, learn from the festivals and help them along, please join our meeting!
Practical info
Thursday February 10, 10.00am – 12.00am, via Zoom
More info about the Green Deal can be found on: www.circularfestivals.com
Met o.a. de volgende sprekers: Frontrunner festivals & experts (soon to be announced)